British Animation Awards 2018

British Animation Awards 2018


I was fortunate enough to attend the British Animation Awards at the Mocking Bird Cinema in Birmingham on the 6th of February 2018. We were shown “Programme 2” featuring lots of different animation films from individuals and teams from across the United Kingdom.


We were shown a host of films and music videos that covered a range of topics from learning about Amy Johnson, the first British Woman to fly from the UK to Australia to learning about the cultural revolution propagated by Mao Zedong’s socialist government.

We saw lots of different animation styles, from using a type writer and stop motion animation to produce a plane in Elizabeth Hobbs’ G-AAAH seeing an abstract rendition using nothing but colours and shapes of a bank heist in Ed Leicester’s Heist and the 3D animation shown in Friends Electric’s Pentakill – Mortal Reminder.

My personal favourite of the films we saw was Fishwitch by Adrienne Dowling a stop motion animated story about a fish-man named Derek trying to become friends with a Sea Witch. It has a lot of charm and was beautifully animated. Attending the awards has given me many ideas for how I can potentially animate my stickers as I’ve seen through this that even simple animation can be really effective.

Friends Electric. (2017). Pentakill: Mortal Reminder [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] | League of Legends Music. [Online Video]. 2 August 2017. Available from: [Accessed: 6 February 2018].

Elizabeth Hobbs. (2017). G-AAAH. [Online Video]. 12 July 2017. Available from: [Accessed: 6 February 2018].

Ed Leicester. (2016). Heist. [Online Video]. 4 May 2016. Available from: [Accessed: 6 February 2018].

Jennifer Zheng. (2017). Tough. [Online Video]. 25 June 2017. Available from: [Accessed: 6 February 2018].

Adrienne Dowling. (2016). Fishwitch. [Online Video]. 15 June 2016. Available from: [Accessed: 6 February 2018].


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