Updating the Sticker Designs


After receiving some user testing, there were some changes that I wanted to make some changes to the designs based on the feedback that I received during my user testing. My thoughts and reaction to the feedback I received can be seen here. One of the first changed that I wanted to make based on my user testing was changing the sticker of Death laughing.

Death Laughing

I’d been indecisive about this sticker as although it met a purpose, it was against the character of Death and some of my feedback points this out. I changed the design to a previous version with Death playing the guitar. The depiction of Death with a guitar comes from a later book in the Discworld series, but since this is a movie adaptation there is a lot of wiggle room in the designs.

I also took this opportunity to tweak the rest of the design, such as adding a robe to the design of Death and smudging the colours of the fire.

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The Octavo

Some of my feedback mentions the Octavo (the chained up book) and how it doesn’t seem to have any function in communication. I originally added it as a nod to the story of The Colour of Magic (1983) but the feedback raises a good point. I want my sticker set to be used in communication and as it currently stands the Octavo is ‘dead weight’.

I still wanted a sticker that represents the series somewhat, but might have some usage in communication. I decided to produce a sticker of The Great A’tuin as it’s quite iconic of the Discworld series.

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